After having a long think about it, I reasoned that the military have plenty of suitable 'zombie-proof' gear in the form of camouflaged CBRN (formerly NBC) suits, without having to get in some garish 'HazMat' gear specially. So I've painted these 2 fireteams as woodland CBRN suits. If they'd had their hoods up & been wearing helmets, they could represent regular army, but as it is I'll run with them as SAS / special forces. Maybe they've been sent into an infected zone to rescue a VIP, or retrieve an important 'package'...
A blog intended to help focus my sporadic wargaming & miniature painting endeavours...
Tuesday, 16 December 2014
SAS / special forces
After having a long think about it, I reasoned that the military have plenty of suitable 'zombie-proof' gear in the form of camouflaged CBRN (formerly NBC) suits, without having to get in some garish 'HazMat' gear specially. So I've painted these 2 fireteams as woodland CBRN suits. If they'd had their hoods up & been wearing helmets, they could represent regular army, but as it is I'll run with them as SAS / special forces. Maybe they've been sent into an infected zone to rescue a VIP, or retrieve an important 'package'...
Sunday, 30 November 2014
Riot police
Back to 15mm scale for today's post - a group of riot police! These Rebel Minis figures are perfect for any zombocalypse or serious urban disturbance. I have painted them in modern British riot police uniforms (as featured in the nationwide riots of 2012), as I fancy gaming a zombie pandemic with a UK setting. Not sure on a rules set yet, but possibly Ambush Alley's 'Ambush Z'.
I'm pleased with the outcome, & the uniforms are a pretty good match for the real ones, other than the additional padding at the back of the helmet (where UK police have numbering in yellow), & the holstered sidearms (in the UK only a small number of Authorised Firearms Officers carry guns). However, in a zombie pandemic, I think that emergency legislation (or police taking matters into their own hands as society collapses) would mean that firearms would be issued widely...
I considered painting some of these figures with blood splatters & hand prints on their equipment, but at this tiny scale, I want to reserve most of the gore for the actual zombie figures, so that they are easier to pick-out on the tabletop. This also means that I can use them for less apocalyptic settings too. Not 100% happy with my attempt at a 'transparent' effect on the shields & visors, but it's passable at this scale. I may gloss varnish those areas.
I considered painting some of these figures with blood splatters & hand prints on their equipment, but at this tiny scale, I want to reserve most of the gore for the actual zombie figures, so that they are easier to pick-out on the tabletop. This also means that I can use them for less apocalyptic settings too. Not 100% happy with my attempt at a 'transparent' effect on the shields & visors, but it's passable at this scale. I may gloss varnish those areas.
Sunday, 23 November 2014
Demiurg (W40K)

Picasa Web Albums is still adding blue to most of my uploaded photos... I may have to start using a different storage service :-/
Thursday, 13 November 2014
Imperial Navy chirurgeon (W40K)
Apologies for the poor quality of the photos - as of about a month ago, Picasa Web Albums started adding high levels of blue to my uploaded images, & I haven't discovered a simple work-around beyond repeatedly re-uploading until the image is as per the copy on my PC. Quite frustrating.
Friday, 24 October 2014
Penitent heavy (W40K)
'Grox' is a solid, dependable presence on Inquisition missions, laying down a pulverising hail of heavy bolter fire when called for. The miniature is another of GW's Colonel Schaeffer's Last Chancers.
Wednesday, 22 October 2014
Penitent (W40K)
Along with the Redemptionist preacher Thwaite, Obasan was one of the few survivors of a cult-triggered prisoner uprising at the penal facility, during which he appeared to stay loyal to the security forces, killing a large number of rioting prisoners. After the rebellion had been suppressed by Imperial reinforcements, Inquisitor Isiah found Obasan sitting in his unlocked cell, caked in the dried blood of his fellow inmates, muttering prayers to the Emperor.
Most of Isiah's other agents have a grave mistrust of Obasan, viewing him as an unpredictable liability; but the inquisitor values the havoc that the penitent can cause in the right circumstances. When called for, Obasan is usually accompanied by the preacher Thwaite, & wears a collar that can inject combat drugs such as 'Slaught & Frenzon, as well as a tranquiliser when the mission is over... Or the killing is getting out of hand...
Obasan's equipment of choice is a meltagun, chainsword, a variety of grenades, & an auspex to help with tracking down his prey. The miniature is one of Colonel Schaeffer's Last Chancers from GW.
Sunday, 19 October 2014
Crusader (W40K)
When evidence of her latent psychic abilities began to manifest on the cusp of adulthood, she was incarcerated by the sisterhood, & transferred to a Black Ship for shipment to Terra or immediate termination as deemed necessary. However, aboard the Black Ship, a young inquisitor named Isiah recognised Solbun's unusual strength of mind, & spared her from a fate as fuel for the Golden Throne or execution as a dangerous witch. Over the following years Isiah trained Solbun to further fortify her mind & hone her psychic talents, completing her transformation into a lethal weapon of holy purpose.
The figure is another from Hasslefree miniatures ('Jenova'), with a bolt pistol from a Space Marine sprue added to her left hand. She is protected by carapace armour & an aegis hood in the form of a golden halo. I enjoyed painting the finishing touch of light-sourcing around her force blade, & am really pleased with the result.
Saturday, 18 October 2014
Interrogator (W40K)
Friday, 17 October 2014
Tech-Priest Enginseer (W40K)
I've finished another character for the inquisitor's retinue - a tech-priest enginseer. This is one of my all-time favourite GW miniatures, because it's so jam-packed with '40K' detail, but I don't think I've done the quality of the figure full justice with my painting. I am fairly pleased with the outcome though. Not sure if my attempts to make the red cowl/tabard look grimy & well-worn have spoiled the overall effect, although at least it has a clearly different texture to the metal plating of his power armour.
I will almost certainly add a mechandendrite to the empty socket on the right side of the backpack as you look at the rear of the model - it's a perfect fit for the spare ones I have left over from another figure... (coming soon!) I think a mechandendrite raised over this enginseer's right shoulder, mirroring the servo-arm should look pretty good.
I will almost certainly add a mechandendrite to the empty socket on the right side of the backpack as you look at the rear of the model - it's a perfect fit for the spare ones I have left over from another figure... (coming soon!) I think a mechandendrite raised over this enginseer's right shoulder, mirroring the servo-arm should look pretty good.
Thursday, 16 October 2014
Rogue Trader Captain (W40K)
Another NPC for 'Inquisimunda' finished - a Rogue Trader captain. Again I can't say too much about his background as the players may read this, but he has the usual dubious reputation associated with his profession as a trader & explorer on the fringes of the Imperium. I may upgrade his sword to a power sword by adding a 'power node' from the handle onto the blade, using modelling putty.
This is another excellent sculpt from Hasslefree Miniatures ('Privateer Godwin'), & I'm happier with my shading & highlighting on the coat than on Jhansi Lakhshimir's. I wasn't sure how to paint the codpiece at first, but then I thought "it's got to be gold for maximum bling".
This is another excellent sculpt from Hasslefree Miniatures ('Privateer Godwin'), & I'm happier with my shading & highlighting on the coat than on Jhansi Lakhshimir's. I wasn't sure how to paint the codpiece at first, but then I thought "it's got to be gold for maximum bling".
Wednesday, 15 October 2014
Investigator (W40K)
Smyth always carries his trusty service stub pistol, loaded with custom 'dum-dum' bullets. Inside his greatcoat he has a stun baton & a selection of grenades. Though imposing in stature, Smyth is comparatively nondescript, & is the agent most likely to be employed undercover, or when blending into a crowd is necessary. He is streetwise, resourceful, & single-minded in purpose. He often acts as a bodyguard for less physically resilient agents, such as the inquisitor's 'pariah', Issla Black.
The figure is 'Harby', from Hasslefree Miniatures. I used a sergeant head from the GW Cadian sprues though, as I thought the comlink & face better-suited the character that I had in mind.
Sunday, 12 October 2014
Kroot mercenary (W40K)
Another figure for my 'Inquisimunda' campaign - a vicious-looking Kroot mercenary with pistol & knives. This is an NPC rather than a player character, but I can't say too much about his background as the players Tim & Dom may read this post. I converted the pistol by cutting away the original rifle barrel, & filing the stock down.
The pistol barrel was gleaned from one of the holstered ones that comes with the kit. GW's Kroot sprues are some of my favourite - lots of nice primitive details like hide pouches, bones & other fetishes. I'm more pleased with my paint job on this figure than the Void Mistress, & I particularly enjoyed doing the bone hilts to the weapons, the skin patterning, & the quills.
After over a year painting only large numbers of 15mm figures, it's been a nice change of pace to be able to concentrate on single 28mm scale characters, though I'm still getting my hand/eye in with painting quality. I'll definitely tidy-up the blue highlights on the Void Mistress's coat after getting neater results on this model.
The pistol barrel was gleaned from one of the holstered ones that comes with the kit. GW's Kroot sprues are some of my favourite - lots of nice primitive details like hide pouches, bones & other fetishes. I'm more pleased with my paint job on this figure than the Void Mistress, & I particularly enjoyed doing the bone hilts to the weapons, the skin patterning, & the quills.
After over a year painting only large numbers of 15mm figures, it's been a nice change of pace to be able to concentrate on single 28mm scale characters, though I'm still getting my hand/eye in with painting quality. I'll definitely tidy-up the blue highlights on the Void Mistress's coat after getting neater results on this model.
Friday, 10 October 2014
Rogue Trader Void Mistress (W40K)
The figure is another excellent sculpt from Hasslefree Miniatures - 'Andreah'. My inspiration for her was both trying to capture a feeling of 'Jamaican pirate' & also Captain Nemo's daughter Janni Dakkar from The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen graphic novels. I'm most pleased with the skin tones that I managed to achieve, though the highlighting on her (mesh-armour-lined) greatcoat could be better - I may tidy this up a bit. Lakhshimir is armed with an assault carbine, custom-made by a master workshop of House Van Saar on Necromunda; & a C'tan phase sword, an incalulably ancient artifact, originally discovered on some long-forgotten tomb world. Lakhshimir stole the xenos weapon from the treasure horde of the Eldar corsair Prince Lii'Alurei.
Saturday, 27 September 2014
Engineering modules (W40K)
Next, a water still / vaporator. I felt this piece was missing something - it appears designed to allow connection of a pipe. I opted for a mushroom-shaped cap that I found lying around.
Lastly, a machine of indeterminate purpose (I expect only the tech-adepts of the Mechanicum would understand it's workings).
All these pieces should be useful for fleshing-out rooms & locations in 'Inquisimunda' & Necromunda.
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