This week I made some ash clams for Necromunda. The
Outlanders supplement for the original version of
Necromunda expanded the already evocative Underhive setting wonderfully, adding new gangs, gear, scenarios, treacherous conditions, & a bestiary of bizarre flora & fauna. Ash clams are one of the few non-lethal critters to be found in the Underhive - native creatures who somehow found their way inside the hive cities. They lie half-submerged in the rubble & detritus at ground-level, waiting to snare & devour passing creatures such as giant rats, spiders, milliasaurs etc. Ash clams are non-lethal to humans, but can still pin them in place until their victim struggles free or manages to kill the clam. In scenarios involving ash clams, there is a chance that one will strike any time a model moves across the ground-level.

For these ash clams, I used small empty limpet shells that I collected from a beach (specifically for this purpose) several years ago. They got my usual urban rubble basing, using sand & tiny bits of sprue

I spent far too long deciding how to base my Necromundan flora & fauna, but eventually decided that if it moves, it will be based using conventional GW round bases, but if it is stationary (usually a plant), then it is essentially part of the scenery, so should have a thinner 'scenery' base. As ash clams are essentially temporary stationary markers, I opted for the latter. Next up, I'm working on some rubber moss & wire weed!