This week I painted some test markers for the Ronin Lustria side project. This would be using custom Lizardman & Conquistador warband lists & the Osprey Wargames
Ronin rules for skirmishes of 8-or-so figures a side. First I painted these
Fenris Games Ø10mm laser-cut discs in the same slightly-slimy stone style as I have been painting my Lustrian rocks & flagstones, & then I tried freehanding some symbols that hopefully lend a Lustrian feel - One blood drop signifies a Light Wound, two blood drops a Frievous Wound; one 'Aztec spiral' indicates a Stun, two 'spirals' equals two Stuns.

I'm a bit divided over whether I should drop the
'Ronin Lustria' idea & focus on my original Lustrian
Warhammer Quest project - especially because I am a big fan of classic Samurai & chanbara films, so maybe I should use actual Ronin figures & play the game as intended (I would choose the late Edo period & create a little Yakuza gang & an honourable katana school to oppose them). One of the reasons that I am considering 'Ronin
Lustria' idea is to give me a reason to scratchbuild jungle & Lizardman building pieces. But perhaps I could simply expand upon the standard subterranean
Warhammer Quest tiles, & have some open areas for that. Shown here is one of my test dungeon tiles for Lustrian '
Quest. I'll probably add human-height sections of block walls to better capture the claustrophobia atmosphere, & allow all sorts of Lizardmen totem & skull decoration!
Any suggestions or recommendations welcome!