Today I fancied painting something completely different - so I painted this steampunk deep sea diver! I bought a pack of these awesome 15mm-scale '
Nemo Heavy Infantry' from Rebel Minis a couple years ago, purely because they looked so cool. I didn't have any plans for gaming with them at the time, I just thought the aesthetic & sculpting was brilliant (especially at such a tiny scale!). So many neat details on this model, but I especially like the breathing apparatus, the ornate cutlass, & what I am going to say is a repeating barb gun.

Since buying these divers, I have occasionally mused over using them in a home-brew steampunk deep sea skirmish game, with oceanic forests (aquarium plants), rocky underwater canyons, sunken ruins & wrecks, repainted toy sea beasts (
e.g. &
e.g.), & these
Deep Ones (also from Rebel Minis). Given the 15mm scale, some very large sea monsters could be represented with toys - a
liopleurodon, megalodon, or even some unknown tentacled elder god from the deepest ocean trench maybe?... I'm very pleased with how this tiny test figure turned out, so I may even start yet another wargaming project...

In doing a bit of research, I discovered that when it comes to retro deep sea diving, truth is stranger than fiction:
1720s 'Old Gentleman' diving suit
1878 French diving suit
1910 Submarine Armour
1920s diving suits