This weekend I finished modelling some fences & a large patch of wire weed for Necromunda / Inquisimunda. The barbed wire fences were made from four lengths of fencing that I kept from my childhood - they originally came with a packet of cheap plastic WW2 soldiers. I sliced one section into three pieces to extend the others to fit onto large lolly stick bases, which I textured with coarse paint thickener, & added various bits of sprue, washers, & resin flagstones, before flocking using sand. I'll treat these as obstacles that provide no cover, but cannot be crossed without cutting equipment (or jump packs).

Bio-wire is an extremely nasty defence originally engineered by the Adeptus Mechanicus biologis. When its razor-like brambles tear clothing or flesh, it secretes a highly corrosive acid. In the Underhives of Necromundan cities, uncontrolled bio-wire that has gone feral is commonly known as wire weed. I've always thought that the description of wire weed in the
Outlanders supplement was an obvious reference to the more garish hues of modelling lichen that you can buy. & I've finally got round to making a patch of it. After creating a base on an old CD using my usual urban rubble technique, I simply glued clumps & sprigs of lurid green & orange lichen on using PVA.
I'll be making more patches of wire weed in various sizes.
After the break is a photo of the wire weed base before I added the lichen 'wire weed', which also shows how the rubble looks different under various lighting: