I recently finished these six sections of rickety fences, for use in Chain of Command (Russian Civil War) & Ronin (late Edo-period chanbara). They are laser-cut pieces from
Fenris Games, affixed using wood glue to large lolly sticks/tongue depressors. After snipping the long strips of fences into six sections, they were exactly the right length for these lolly sticks (6"). First I textured the bases/strengthed the bond with the fences using ready-mix coarse paint thickener, & then painted the bases with patches of brown & green. Then I painted the fences using basic drybrushing. Later I glued-on a variety of flock (
Gale Force Nine products) & grass/plant tufts (mostly manufactured by

Here are a few photos of the finished fences, with some 28mm chanbara & RCW figures for scale. I think they will suit either tabletop battlefield at a pinch. Which saves time & money!

There are enough strips of rickety fences in the pack to make the same quantity of these again, although I'm considering using them on a field base rather than as individually-placed items.