We chose a small-size (50pts-a-side) straightforward Skirmish scenario to begin with. I played as the upstart Peasants of Sangawe village, who were out looking for a fight with their oppressors, the local Yakuza 'Black Hand' gang. My 50pts of Peasants were led by the traveling warrior monk Bokusui with a bō (quarterstaff), who has taken a shine to the villagers after discovering the Black Hand gang runs a gambling den in the abandoned temple at the edge of Sangawe. Bokusui has the Acrobatic, Bōjutsu, & Fearless Attributes, meaning that he ignores Difficult Terrain effects, gets re-rolls when fighting with his bō, & has unshakeable morale.

Frances's Yakuza force consisted of four thugs armed with katanas (one acting as leader), & a ruffian armed with an ararebō (studded cudgel). The ruffian is as feeble a fighter as my peasants, but the thugs are a level above them in skill (& properly-armed!)
It was a short & very bloody Skirmish. My Peasants advanced down the centre of the board, to the crossroads, while the Yakuza deployed in two groups, & swept round each side of the large house. The warrior monk Bokusui led the way through the crop field on the left, racing ahead of his charges to confront the lead Yakuza thug. He was trailed by two peasants, one with the yari; while the remaining three peasants swept in to block the rest of the Yakuza from piling in on Bokusui.

Final score
Yakuza: 5.5 Victory Points
Peasants: 2 Victory Points
Ah, not sure that was the outcome you were hoping for? That said impressed you got your partner to have a game.
ReplyDeleteWell, Frances normally beats me at every other game, from Scrabble, to Root, to Twilight Struggle, so I should have expected it really! :-D