
Sunday, 15 July 2018


Another creature for my Lustria Warhammer Quest collection finished - a crocodile (yeah, I know it's actually a caiman, but I've had this toy in my bits box for many years, & thought it'd look great in this role).  I repainted the model based on real-life reference photos, giving it more camouflaged tones like I did with the gigantic scorpion, to offer a contrast to my garish Lizardmen warriors.  Meanwhile I prepared a Ø60mm base using my usual jungle recipe of coarse paint thickener for texture, with card flagstone pieces & resin blocks pressed in.  Then I added various Gale Force Nine flock, static grass, & Gamers Grass tufts.  The finishing touches, after I glued the crocodile into place were to drill a few holes for some carefully positioned snippets of plastic aquarium plants.

Here are a few photos of the finished crocodile, with a Lizardman Saurus for scale, & also battling a gigantic scorpion.  Both of these beasties take up a 2x2 squares on a Warhammer Quest dungeon tile, given their large bases.  However, the gigantic scorpion is the more deadly, being tougher & causing more damage - it's worth 450 gold for slaying, compared to 140 gold for the crocodile (I found stats for it on the excellent Chronicles of the Old World & Beyond).  I think I'd add the Ambush ability to the crocodile's stats though - at least on a dungeon tile that has a water feature...


  1. Can we do a game where instead of playing warriors we all play animals teaming up to reclaim our cave habitats from the lizardmen, skaven, etc. that have infested them?

    1. Haha! I like that idea :-> Maybe one player could take the role of a horde of giant leeches.

    2. The leech hero should get special powers based on what it's feeding off.
