I considered making scenic Jump Off points as many gamers do, but they would be time-consuming to produce (when I already have far too many miniatures projects on the go), & I think having the markers as flags will still bring a bit of flavour to the tabletop. I considered printing flags & cutting them to fit the discs, but reasoned that it would be just as quick to hand-paint them, since the design is so straightforward.
Regrettably, after dabbling with snowy scenery & basing for my RCW collection, I've decided to switch to a more standard 'wilderness' theme, reasoning that all the figures would need to be in greatcoats to handle the Russian winter, not gymnastyorkas (as worn by the preview figure above); & I couldn't source enough variety of greatcoat-wearing figures. Even if I could, the opposing armies would look less interesting when they are both clothed in similar grey-green military greatcoats. The armies of the RCW present a lot of colourful variety when dressed for warmer weather, which will be more interesting to paint, & more distinct on the tabletop. Also, although it's not a very original basing style, I am very pleased with the outcome, thanks to judicious use of Gamer's Grass tufts.
Very nice!