Back to Warhammer 40,000 this weekend - well, my long running 'Inquisimunda' project anyway. I've finished painting my three Demiurg Hearthguard in
exo-armour, plus I repainted the visors of the previously all-gunmetal
helmets on the crewers. I've gone with a slightly grubby industrial but futuristic appearance. My vision of the Demiurg is as no-nonsense, practical species (in contrast to the ostentatiousness of many other
W40K races/factions...) Initially I like the all-gunmetal helmets as
they looked different to anything else in 40K, having no obvious
transparent visor or lenses (I assumed it would be advanced metal that
was transparent through one side only, or had micro-lenses producing a
view inside the helmet. Anyway, after deciding to paint the slit visors
of the Hearthguards' exo-armour with a gold effect, I decided to make
the crewers that I had painted previously match them - I think this works nicely at suggesting 'spacesuits' better.

Ever since Squats (essentially 'space dwarves') were subtly reintroduced to the
Warhammer 40K canon in the
Battlefleet Gothic 'Armada' expansion as the Demiurg (nomadic astral miners, resource-gatherers, & tech-traders), I've wondered what their ground forces might look like.
Armada describes the Demiurg's fighter craft as being repurposed mining vehicles & droids
, & my friend Dom & I have discussed how they would probably make extensive use of droids if pushed into direct combat. There are quite a few 'space dwarf' figures available on the market nowadays to fill the Squat-shaped gap from the old-school days of W40K; but my favourite has to be the incredible
Grymn range from Hasslefree Miniatures, which is where all these figures are sourced from.